Monday 10 November 2008

Visual Research

Research Results -Video by Tim Hope
I asked people to review this video. I was fishing for words they used to describe the surreal nature of this video, if they paid more attention to the visual or auditory or a mix, general opinion and their opinion of era the video was set in.

So far I have had 11 responses- pretty disappointing return considering I emailed approximately 70.

Words/ style
Dreamy/dream scape 3, montage, collage, fantasy 4, eccentric, dream like, childhood, animated, fairytale 2, somber, wistful, ethereal

50's, pre C19th, 1800 industrial, wartime, 20-40's

hope 2, rebirth, regret, growth 2, industrial background, reflective, wind is disturbing, pollution, sad, melancholy, tense

Colour Scheme
dark, earthy, organic, vintage, black and white muted with splash colour, monochrome with highlights

Did not report visual vs auditory because I did not ask people clearly and would have to infer their response. Words did not help with description that I was looking for and fear I may have to invent word for a slight step away from reality. I feel like the word fantasy is a big step which could include unicorns whereas my work is just taking a real picture and altering it slightly.

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